Dive Deeper into our archive: click on the episode titleS below to listen in on the anchor audio player (will open in a new page)
On this episode we discuss taking pleasure in our work as homemakers - Why it is imperative that we do so, how it connects to our life's purpose: to glorify and enjoy God, and what we can do to savor the graces that He weaves into even the hardest of circumstances. Listen and be encouraged!
On this episode we discuss homeschooling, the myths and the realities - what about socialization? Are mothers qualified to provide an education for their child? Is there "one right way" to educate a child? What is the primary goal of educating our children? Listen in and be encouraged!
On this episode we reflect on our various postpartum experiences, and share tips/wisdom we've picked up along the way. We discuss breastfeeding, after-pains, sleep deprivation, bed rest, post-partum depression, and a myriad of other common challenges mamas face in those first weeks/months after baby is born.
On this episode we discuss how we should view the challenges we encounter in life, and how we should bring our grievances before the Lord. We work through the difference between grumbling/complaining and obeying the command to cast our cares on God in prayer.
On this episode we discuss how familial sin cycles are broken in Christ. We discuss how we should approach our reflections on our childhood, confronting sins committed by our parents, taking responsibility for our own sin, setting new patterns in our own family, and most importantly.. where we can find true healing and restoration - Jesus.
On this episode we talk about how the concept of self-esteem, and the cultural push to pursue it, fits (or doesn't fit) into the Christian life. We focus heavily on where we should and should not find our identity and establish our value as individuals. We work through various pitfalls and common sources of self-worth that rob us of true security in Christ. Take a listen, we hope this episode is a blessing to you!
On this episode we discuss prayer. What is it? What is the extent of our duty to engage in it? What should we pray for? How do we get out of a prayer slump, when every word seems pointless drudgery and our minds are quick to wander? Take a listen, we hope you're encouraged in the practice of prayer.
In this episode we discuss what it looks like (and doesn't look like) to set biblical boundaries in relationships. We dive into our relationships with our parents, our spouses, friendships, and relationships in the church. We cover what our ACTUAL duties are in each of these circumstances and give practical tips on boundary setting when lines are crossed. This is one you won't want to miss!
In this episode we discuss what our priorities should be as we are working in the home, and how to balance those priorities when there is a practical need to keep your home clean, your kids bathed, and your fridge full. We work through what scripture has to say about sloth and productivity, and how our expectations are shaped by instagram posts and comparing ourselves to others.
Part 2 of our conversation with Young and Wifed up - In this half of the convo we talk more about what it means to win our husbands (without a word), the importance/role of the local church body in the life of unequally yoked spouses, and practical ways we can support women who are in this specific circumstance.
In this episode we were invited to join our friends at Young and Wifed Up for an interview on the topic of the unequally yoked marriage. Ash shares her personal experience from before her husbands conversion, and we all discuss biblical wisdom for women who find themselves in this circumstance or for women who want to support someone who is unequally yoked. This is part 1 of 2! Part 2 will be released next week.
On this episode we discuss ways that we can make the family dinner table a joyful place where our families are blessed by and brought near to the Lord.
In our loosiest goosiest, least theologically driven podcast episode yet (and probably ever), we kick back and talk about our favorite things - makeup, gadgets, apps, podcasts, books, the works! We hope you enjoy some laid back schmoozery, and get some good ideas while you're here!
We are back after a holiday hiatus! On this episode we are joined by a very special guest, Kristin's son Knox Hedgcock! We spend the episode doing something we don't do too much of - shootin' the breeze. We discuss fast food hacks and our tried and true kid hacks (from quick breakfasts, to nap schedules, homeschool tips, and more)! Listen in, we've missed you!
On this episode we interview our Pastor, Dr. Brant Bosserman, on the topic of the marriage bed. We go deep into the theological implications in our approach to sexual intimacy, what it means to keep the marriage bed pure, how to maintain sexual fidelity, the importance of maintaining healthy and regular communication with your spouse, the dangers of pornography use.. and more. This isn't one you'll want to miss! Disclaimer: Though our discussion is tasteful and careful, this episode best suited for adult ears.
On this episode we interview Elder Scott Hedgcock on the topic of money and marriage - what are some common issues that can crop up in regard to finances? How can we avoid them? How should we think about building and managing wealth biblically? Listen in!
On this episode we talk about how we should think about personal possessions - how we aquire them, how we manage them, and when it's wise to let them go. We talk about consumerism, minimalism, the extremes on both sides, and how to strike a biblical balance. *WARNING: Our would you rather question involved discussing the possibility of carpeted bathrooms - which led to some puke/poop stories you may want to skip over, fast forward to 6:50 if thats you!
On this episode we continue our discussion on the myth of neutrality. Dive a little deeper with us as we discuss how this impacts our view of education, politics, parenting, friendship, and apologetics.
One this episode we talk about the myth of neutrality, as it pertains to theology, morality, and worldview as a whole. We also start working through how this popular cultural mythological "virtue" has infiltrated our thinking in our approach to evangelism, our personal lives, and the way we approach the application of God's law.
With the passing of her daughter Kayla, Sonya shares her journey of grief, trial and renewed hope in Christ. Join us as we glean wisdom from this mom of 8.
On this episode we discuss the fear of man. What is it? Why is it dangerous? How does it creep in to the way that we parent our children? Listen in and be encouraged!
On this episode we deal with the topic of anger, especially as it relates to parenting. We tackle questions like: What is the difference between righteous and unrighteous anger? What are some lies that we believe that lead us into unjustified anger? What are some practical ways to avoid and war against the temptation to sin in our anger?
On this episode we discuss ways that we can encourage and aid others in their pursuit of joy - in our marriages, in our parenting, and in the local church.
On this episode we talk about JOY - What is it? Where do we get it? What is it rooted in? How can we pursue it?
Join us as we discuss navigating friendship in the age of social media - the benefits, the pitfalls, the opportunity, and the danger.
On this episode we discuss what it means to be emotionally resilient - taking control of our feelings even in the hardest of circumstances so that we can find contentment in the midst of suffering, to God's glory.
On this episode we interview Pastor Toby Sumpter on his book "No Mere Mortals: Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever". We discuss many topics, including the importance of marriage and the family in light of eternity, the blessing of submission within marriage, and respectful communication between spouses. This is one you don't want to miss! Grab a copy of Toby's book at nomeremarriage.com
On this episode we interview C.R. Wiley on his book "The Household and the War for the Cosmos". In our conversation we discuss the biblical purpose and order of the household, how its been lost, and how it can be recovered and restored.
On this episode we talk about what it looks like practically to be in submission to our own husband, and how this is a blessing to our family. We hit on what it means to be a helper to our husband and how we can give him opportunities to lead the family practically and spiritually. We also discuss how we can model and encourage these practices in the lives of other women.
Join us for a discussion on what it looks like to seek to be a benefit and do good to the people around us, especially those people the Lord has directed us to serve in our own household. Does kindness require that we prioritize being "nice", and tiptoe around a persons sin to avoid hurting their feelings? Does it mean that we must be willing to serve a person in any way they request, or that we avoid setting healthy boundaries in our relationships? Do we REALLY need to seek the good of others in ALL situations? We tackle these questions and more!
On this episode we dive into exactly what it means to be a keeper of the home (Titus 2:4), initially taking a look at the basics of what we are responsible to guard as the lady of the house and then diving into the popular application of this passage in regards to a woman physically working inside or outside of the home. We cover quite a lot in this episode, you don't want to miss it!
Join us for a conversation with local Pastor Mike Satterfield from Emmaus Road Church, as we discuss the importance of church membership. We discuss the Biblical reason for believing it is necessary, the benefit and protection in it, how we should approach our duties and our giftings, and the dangers of being seperate from a local church body.
On this episode we talk about purity - what it is, what it ISN'T, and how we can be examining ourselves as we face decisions that may help or hinder us in the pursuit of purity. Some of the content in this episode may be best suited for married/mature women, as we briefly and carefully discuss the marriage bed and sexuality
In this episode we talk about self control - what does it look like to rule over your passions and impulses, biblically? Is there ever a time to "trust your gut" and just do what feels right? When we are out of control, what are some ways we can take charge again? Listen in, we hope this will encourage you!
On this episode we dive into Titus 2, verse 4, and discuss questions like: What is our standard of good? How do we define "love"? What does it look like, practically, to love your husband and children?
On this episode we kick off a new series centered around unpacking the commission given to older women in Titus 2. We start with a discussion on verse 3, specifically addressing the admonition to be reverent in behavior, to not be slanderers, or enslaved to much wine.
On this episode we tackle a topic that can be hard for a Christian to navigate - the law of God. How do we approach God's law as believers? Do we have any obligation to obey God's law now that we are justified and under grace? When we encourage one another to walk in obedience to God's word are we in jeopardy of forsaking or forgetting the gospel? Listen in and be encouraged!
On this episode we spend time biblically identifying temptations and pitfalls that are unique to women in the distinct roles the Lord has called us to, and we discuss ways we can sidestep these snares in our daily lives!
On this episode we sat down with our pastor Dr. Brant Bosserman to discuss a woman's role in society - tackling tough questions surrounding women in the workforce, in civil government, in higher education, and more! This is one episode you DON'T want to miss!
On this episode of Apta Sophia we tackle the topic of a woman's role in the church. We start with a discussion on God's intention for the Church in the world, and move into the specifics of how we as women build into that mission through our work in the home and as members of a local body of believers. Listen in and be encouraged!
Kristin sits down with her husband Scott for an impromptu interview on a variety of topics, eventually honing in on homeschooling. Kristin had some great perspective and wisdom to share, as a veteran homeschooling mom of 4! We hope this "bonus" episode is a blessing to you!
On this episode of Apta Sophia we discuss a woman's role in the family, by examining the Lord's purpose in establishing new households through the covenant of marriage. We also take time to work through what it looks like for women in all walks of life to take part in fulfilling the mandate given to mankind in Genesis.
We are kicking off the Apta Sophia Podcast with an episode that lays a biblical foundation for defining sex, gender, and what our standard is in determining what femininity is supposed to look like. In today's culture of confusion, how can we know that we are women? Is it possible that God made a mistake in assigning our gender? Is femininity a matter of lipstick, high heels, and well manicured nails? Join us to find out!